Weekend at the Grampians!

First of all, my apologies, I know it has been a while since I uploaded a blog. When I was working full-time in Melbourne I lacked the time and motivation a bit so I’m sorry for that but I promise you I will pick it up again starting from now.. 

This blog is about the Grampians National Park, which didn’t really rang a bell to me at first but I’m very glad we decided to spend a weekend there! What a gorgeous place to spend some time closer to nature! 

By accident we ended up at a Dutch caravan park, as we were welcomed in our own language, what a nice surprise! And it really was an amazing place to stay with great service and a little ice cream car biking trough the park in the evening, is it me or is that pretty Dutch? 😉

We had a fireplace and some wood delivered to our campsite for that little extra camping experience and after dark some big kangaroos joined us! Now, when I say big kangaroos you can take my word on that, usually if we see a kangaroo it’s rather small or even a wallaby but these ones seemed like they just stepped out of that viral video where a man fights a kangaroo. They didn’t skip chest day at the gym, I can tell you that!

Our first day was filled with setting up our camp spot and chilling out a bit, having a nice bbq and enjoying the warm weather and of course our fire pit! 

On Sunday we went exploring, we saw the slightly disappointing Silverband falls, walked tons of steps to the very nice but overcrowded Mackenzie falls  where that very morning a Taiwanese man was found dead. (I only knew that after I stared strangely at a man wearing a suit when going to a waterfall..) Some Dutch backpackers told us that a man had drowned the evening before, for the concerned people; Yes there are signs saying swimming is forbidden in the falls, yet a couple of dozen people were doing it when we were there, yes even after a man just drowned, I don’t know if that’s stupidity or just plain daredevil-behaviour.

Anyway after we made it back up, because those steps are no joke, we finally hiked our way up to the Pinnacle. A gorgeous and a bit scary lookout point over the area, yet a pretty challenging hike! My fear of heights came to say ‘hello’ as well so sorry, no ’staring at the view, sitting on the edge of a cliff’ photos of me.. After a well deserved ice-cream we started the 3-hour drive back to Melbourne to start my last working week. 

P.S. About my job: I had an amazing working experience in Melbourne, working as an HR admin/advisor within Carers Victoria. This is such an amazing organization with fantastic people, I was actually sad to leave!
