For our last port of call the ship docked in Dunedin. The weather looked a bit gloomy again but not too bad. We took a shuttle bus to the city centre and strolled through the main street. What caught my eye is that Dunedin is full of hipster places to eat and drink! Really cosy and modern little spots, I liked that!
At the end of the main street you immediately bump into New Zealand’s most photographed building, Dunedin Railway Station. Cool fact about this one is that it was designed based upon Flemish style, go Flemish!! The station was indeed a pretty building and inside we quickly booked a 90-minute coastal train ride through Dunedin’s landscape.

The train ride was a bit funny as we had our seats on the left side of the train and as soon as we started the ride, we thought we were going to miss everything as it seemed all the pretty sights were on the right side. However suddenly the train-driver made an announcement, apparently the 90-minute train drive was 45 minutes one way, than we made a quick stop where everyone had to turn their seats around and switch sides with your neighbors. Whereafter the train made the same 45-minute journey back. In this way everyone had the chance to see the views. Smart but still pretty funny. The scenery along the way was very beautiful but not too easy to take pictures obviously.

Dunedin is also home to the world’s steepest street, however that seemed pretty far away on the map and we needed at least a bus to take us there so we decided to take a rain check on that one. I may not have explained you this but we’re usually nicely on time or early back on board the ship because unless you’re away on a shore excursion booked with Royal Caribbean, the ship won’t wait for your return. If you’re too late, you have to try and get to the next stop/port of call on your own where you can then board the ship again. That’s one risk we’re not willing to take!
So after a bit more strolling and a beer we took our shuttle bus back to the boat and sipped a glass of champagne as we sailed away from our last port of call.