Imagine waking up, opening your bedroom curtains and seeing this. That’s exactly what happened in our second port of call, Auckland. We woke up to this!
As you can see we were anchored away from the shore again. So tenders, our lifeboats, brought us to its harbour. I believed Auckland was the capital but apparently it’s Wellington, my apologies NZ!
The weather wasn’t fantastic but the major part of the day was luckily dry, we strolled through the city and went up the Sky tower which was really worth it! Such incredible views and if you’re a dare-devil you can even jump down or walk on the outside of the platform. I even struggled with being inside of that tower but of course there are some loonies in this world! It’s funny because inside there’s a clock counting down to the next ‘jumper’, as you can see them going/flying/falling passed the viewing platform for a fraction of a second.
Britomart is also worth a visit, we had some problems finding it without Google telling us exactly where to go but eventually we found this hipster yet expensive little area. It houses a very cosy open air bar and some exclusive stores, Tiffany’s amongst them. (Oh yes, I’m one of those girls waiting for the moment I can go and buy something there without ruining the rest of my month/year) It’s right in between the multinationals’ offices so I bet this is a nice place for the white collars to spend some time in between or after work!
In the late afternoon, the weather started to get worse so we decided to head back to the boat and enjoy some jacuzzi time before dinner. The boat only left around 8PM in Auckland so we could see the ship being guided towards the ocean from our restaurant dinner table!