Merry Christmas everyone!

While driving towards Yarrawonga we noticed the coolest lake next to us, Lake Mulwala. It’s this gigantic lake that looks like a flooded forest because of all the dead tree branches sticking out of the water surface. Very nice sight too! Our first caravan park wasn’t amazing yet we spent Christmas eve there, we were practically alone in the park so it was awesome to enjoy our appetizers, bbq and dessert in our cosy camping set-up. 

Gloomy Lake Mulwala with some black swans
Gloomy Lake Mulwala with some black swans

I decided I wanted to discover another caravan park to enjoy Christmas day and Boxing day so we left off to a BIG4 Caravan park. Wow, again we were pretty much alone in the park, on one side we had a splendid view on the lake and on the other side 2 gorgeous pools luring us in during the heat. This was awesome! We spent Christmas day there with all our leftover food and not to forget a good old portion of Home Alone. What a great Christmas, although of course we missed our families and friends but we had a nice videochat session to make up for that! 

The next day, cars and caravans started to slowly enter the caravan park and by noon, it was packed, what a difference compared to the day before! We were lucky to enjoy those first 3 days in a quiet and beautiful place as that had to make room for kids on go-karts and bikes and adults getting drunk by 11am now. Holiday for everyone!

The lake was filled with boats and people waterskiing, wakeboarding etc. I thought of doing it too if the prices weren’t sky high. (self-fulfilling prophecy that was.. No waterskiing for me) So after a stroll in spiderweb-filled Yarrawonga (luckily mostly tiny spiders), which wasn’t that exotic, we headed back home and ended our awesome Christmas trip!
(We will spend NYE in Melbs city so more on that soon!)

Sunrise at Lake Mulwala
Sunrise at Lake Mulwala
