Meet AI Tony chat function in Thrive Themes

As much as I love Thrive Themes to create stunning websites and online courses, getting the fast support you need wasn’t what they were known for. Their newest feature might ease that process! As they have now incorporated a chat function, however, this is not your typical chatbot. It’s a clone of the real Tony Lewis, Thrive Themes marketing specialist who creates interesting content for them on a daily basis. Imagine having instant access to the expertise of Tony Lewis, whenever you need it. Sounds pretty practical, right? Well, thanks to some pretty impressive tech, it’s now a reality.

So, what is the Tony Lewis chat function all about? Let’s dive into it.

What is the AI Tony chat function?

In a nutshell, Thrive Themes has introduced a digital version of Tony Lewis himself, powered by an AI-driven platform called Delphi. This isn’t just your average chatbot. Delphi has been designed to act as a proxy for the real Tony Lewis in conversations, meaning it’s like having Tony right there with you, answering your questions and offering guidance based on his deep well of knowledge. How? It’s all based on content trained by Tony himself, and the responses are up-to-date until April 19th, 2024.

Why does this matter?

Let me paint you a picture. You’re in the middle of building a landing page or tweaking your site’s SEO strategy, and suddenly, you’re stuck. Maybe it’s a question about conversion optimization, or perhaps you’re just not sure which Thrive Themes tool to use for a specific task. What I would usually do in these situations is search their knowledge base, which is quite extensive. However, I’m often getting stuck in a rabbit hole so needless to say this usually ends up costing me quite some time.

Enter the AI Tony Lewis chat function. Now, instead of wading through information, you can simply ask the AI. It’s like having Tony’s brain on speed dial. Need advice on how to maximize your opt-in rates? Done. Confused about how to set up a split test? Just ask. The AI gives you Tony’s insights in real-time, based on his extensive experience and the vast amount of content he’s created.

How it works

The magic behind the Tony Lewis chat function is Delphi’s digital cloning technology. Now, I know what you’re thinking – this sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? But it’s actually pretty straightforward. Delphi was trained on the content, insights, and responses Tony provided up until April 19th, 2024. This means that while you’re chatting with an AI, the knowledge it draws on is very much real – all thanks to Tony’s meticulous input.

When you use the chat function, and you can find it in the sidebar of any blog post, the AI processes your query and pulls from this reservoir of knowledge to give you an answer that’s as close as possible to what Tony himself would say. Of course, it’s still an AI, so it might not have all the nuances of a human conversation, but it’s pretty darn close.

What you can expect

Now obviously, the AI Tony chat function isn’t a magical oracle that will solve every problem with a wave of its digital wand. (We need to introduce an AI Dumbledore for sure..) But what it does offer is a practical, incredibly helpful tool that can save you time and frustration. The responses are quick, relevant, and most importantly, grounded in real expertise.

For anyone familiar with Tony’s work, you’ll recognize his approach in the advice the AI provides – it’s focused, actionable, and always aimed at getting you results. And honestly, in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, having this kind of resource at your fingertips is invaluable.

A few use cases

Here are just a few scenarios where the AI Tony chat function can come in handy:

  • Stuck on conversion optimization: Not sure why your landing page isn’t converting? Ask the AI for some insights, and it’ll give you pointers based on Tony’s proven strategies.
  • Choosing the right Thrive Themes tool: Thrive Themes offers a ton of tools, and it’s not always obvious which one is the best fit for a specific task. The AI can help you choose, saving you time and ensuring you’re working as efficient as can be.
  • SEO advice: Maybe you’re wondering how to improve your on-page SEO without overcomplicating things. The AI can offer simple, effective tips that align with Tony’s approach.
  • Split testing queries: Setting up a split test can be tricky if you’re not sure what to test or how to interpret the results. The AI can guide you through the process with advice straight from Tony’s playbook.

The bottom line

In a world where time is money and expertise is everything, the AI Tony chat function within Thrive Themes is definitely a great help. It brings Tony’s vast knowledge and experience to your fingertips, making it easier than ever to make smart, informed decisions for your website. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this tool can help you get more done, more efficiently, and with better results.

However, keep in mind, for very specific issues in your website you will still need to contact their support team with a ticket. There’s just no way AI Tony can do everything 🙂

Happy building, and here’s to making your website the best it can be with a little help from Tony – or at least, his digital twin! Make sure to give it a try!
