From Broome we’re going further towards Darwin, with some stops in between however as they’re still 1900 kilometers apart from each other! After 2 rest stops (a free rest area to spend the night next to the road) where we were accompanied by many cows and some kangaroos, we ended up at Lake Argyle. It’s the biggest man-made lake in Australia and to be truly honest I made us go there because I saw the caravan park had an infinity pool looking over the lake. The pool is very nice, cold water though like all pools over here.. In the evening they showed the movie ‘Australia’ with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman in the garden, too bad about 15 mins before the end, the movie stopped.. Australian technology 🙂

We booked a Sunset cruise for Wednesday but today we rented a double kayak for a half day to explore the waters of Lake Argyle. The water temperature was lovely, warmer then all pools we’ve been in and I had a bit of a Canadian feeling, kayaking in the big lake surrounded by mountains all by ourselves, needless to say it was gorgeous! We went for 2 hyper speed swims because the fact that this lake is inhabited by 35,000 crocodiles doesn’t do much good to my desire to plunge. The staff ensured us that these ‘freshies’ (freshwater crocs) only eat fish and insects and aren’t aggressive so they would swim away from us. Yet the idea itself is still a bit weird, it only takes one with a personality crisis..

However on our Sunset cruise a swim in the lake is included so I guess we won’t be able to act like (I wanted to say pussies but I’ll go for the category ‘Europeans’) Europeans anymore because as I told you before all Australians are daredevils. We have our tactics though, if we’ll just stay in the middle of the pack, with some luck we’ll notice it if one of the people on the side are having croc issues so we can get back to the boat in speed tempo.
Tomorrow (Thursday) we’ll be going a bit back to Kununurra to do some grocery shopping and check if it’s worth it to stay there. After that about 4 more stops before we will arrive in Darwin. On the menu for these next week(s): Katherine, Douglas Hot Springs (sounds great because it has ‘Hot Springs’ in it right), Litchfield National Park, Darwin, Kakadu National Park, Mataranka Springs & Nitmiluk National Park.
We arrived in Kununurra and spent the first half day in the hospital as for three days now I had terrible pain coming from my ear going to my jaw and sometimes the left side of my head. Which made eating & yawning an absolute horror, when painkillers and rest don’t do the trick I thought it was time to see a doctor. Diagnosis: temporo mandibular joint dysfunction (doctor wrote it on a post-it for me), paracetamol codeine (which you can get without prescription here!), ibuprofen and some weird exercises (biting on a pencil..). Today’s 38 degrees aren’t helping to my wellbeing to be honest. Anyway we went to Coles, did our groceries, as I don’t think there’s much more you can do here.

Right, I wanted to elaborate a bit on yesterday’s sunset cruise, to be honest it felt like we were on a field trip with ‘Okra’, I’m not sure if there’s an Australian equivalent but Okra is a Belgian organization that organizes activities for people over 60. I mean, it was nice, definitely the swim while the sun set and the beers or wines we could enjoy while in the water were enjoyable. Yet birdwatching & tectonic activity aren’t our biggest fascinations.