Actually it was thanks to Dwayne in Darwin that we heard of the possibility of housesharing. We were both already on the facebook group Fairy Flossers but there it seems more like a ‘survival of the vegans’, the more quirky you are the sooner you’re considered to move in with someone. So an hour of googling later I was logged in on flatmates, flatmatefinder, easyroommates and more and started the search. It wasn’t easy I can tell you that, prices are pretty high for small spaces and if you’d like to be able to breathe in your room you’re easily paying 300 – 400 or more AUD per week! Yes there were cool places in the city in a highly modern building with an indoor pool & gym but we just couldn’t spare all that money, remember it needed to be cheaper than a caravan park..
So the hunt started, I messaged a ton of people and we eventually visited 4 places.
Apartment nr. 1 was in such a modern building, gym & pool included. Howeverrrr the room was tiny, no window, and thus pretty cramped up with another couple in the apartment. Too bad. House nr. 2 is the one we ended up in so I’ll elaborate on that one later 🙂 House nr. 3 was big, but unfortunately the first thing you saw was a gigantic dump at the back of the house as well as in the garden. The room was huge as well as the kitchen, yet it was a house for about 10 persons but we couldn’t find a single dinner table, only a small sofa. Living with 10 students (probably) didn’t make us warm immediately so we headed to house 4. But not for long.. The room in house 4 was tiny as well, had quite the cigarette smell, was actually pretty dirty & had a dog inhabitant (nothing against dogs but in combination with a not so clean house it would only lead to frustration.
Soooo we ended up in house 2 which is actually a really cool characteristic place with wooden floors and high ceilings. Our room is quite big and has its own desk which my hubby loved! We’re living together with only one other couple, a Chinese girl and Italian guy, meaning pastas & tea time! Which juuuust happen to be two of my favorite things.. 🙂 Except for my paranoia when it comes to the natural noises of an older wooden house, I slept like a baby these last nights in our newest room! Especially in these still pretty cold days it’s lovely to spend our days, (me applying for heaps of jobs, literally for over 50 already) nice and warm inside. So yes, a break from our vanlife. (I have to admit I miss it a bit already, it’s just so cosy!)

After 2 weeks, over 50 online applications, 10 resumes handed out at stores, 1 interview at a recruitment agency, I finally started to get some response. I can go for a trial at a local Quiksilver store and I’m being considered for a nightfiller job at Woolies. Who knows at one point I will have to choose! I just forgot how frustrating it was to be waiting and hoping for a job or an income. (Should I become an entrepreneur?)
EXTRA: I also started a training about Affiliate marketing to hopefully one day earn a decent income online, which would be the absolute dream! I’m still in the very first steps but have some great people helping me, more on this in the ‘Quest to the Digital Nomad Life‘ section!